Does government of india looking your whatsapp data : red tick update

We all use WhatsApp for chit chat but now a days we encounter with Fake news. Fake news are spreading like wildfire. Currently one message is going viral that  government of india looking your whatsapp data : red Tick update which is Fake in nature.

Acoording to this message  there will be three tick. Two blue and one red ticks means the government will take action against you, one blue and two red means the government is "screening your data" and three red ticks mean the government has initiated action against you and you will receive court summons.

Friends this message is not correct and is fake. Government not going to do this kind of thing.Press Information bureau has released following information to take down such Fake news and stated that Government is not doing anything like this.


Our constitution has a provision of right to privacy in Article 21 i.e.“No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law”.

according to right to privacy no person have authority to look into your information without your permission but this has some exceptions.

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